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QQube for QuickBooks Version 7.9 (Build 531) | CLEARIFY

QQube 7.9 (Build 531)

QQube 7.9 (Build 531)

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Release Details - October 21, 2021


This build fixes an item introduced in QuickBooks 2022 that causes a synch error to appear in the log, and allows proper installation when QuickBooks 2022 is the only version of desktop QuickBooks installed.  It also fixes a handful of customer petitioned issues.

For those customers that need the specific fixes, they won't have to wait until Version 10 is released - a huge undertaking that is taking longer than anticipated.

As a bonus there are several enhancements underneath the hood that will speed up the time between the QQube database and say Excel or Power BI for larger detail analytics. Something that was only originally planned for Version 10.

Bug Fixes

QuickBooks 2022 Template Name and Type

  • QuickBooks introduced a new template for Receive Payments, but unfortunately made the default name and type, both one character longer than what the SDK (Software Development Kit) allows.  Since the template name can't be deleted, and was introduced by Intuit after the current QQube Versions, the synch will throw an error.

QuickBooks 2022 as Only Installed Version

  • If QuickBooks 2022 is the only installed Version (e.g. year) on a desktop, and you attempt to install QQube, the installation will fail. QQube will now detect QB as a 64 desktop application and install properly.

Open PO Amounts Missing Canadian Tax Amounts in Open Balance Amounts

  • QuickBooks Canada includes tax amounts in the open balance amounts, and were not accounted for in QQube.  This has now been remedied with the addition of 4 new fields:
    • "OpenPO Line Tax Rate (CAN)",
    • "OpenPO Line Purchase Order Original Amount (CAN)"
    • "OpenPO Line Purchase Order Received Amount (CAN)"
    • "OpenPO Line Purchase Order Open Amount (CAN)"

Entity Class Not Showing in Excel Add-In

  • Although Class for Customer, Job, Vendor, was made available in QQube a while back, it was not showing in the Excel Add-In. This has been fixed.  NOTE: This field is not available for Other Name and Employee Name entities.

Adjustment Lot/Serial Numbers not Updating

  • the lot / serial numbers were not showing on QQube update synchs - and only worked on the initial synch.  Lot/serial numbers will now update properly when changed or adjusted in QuickBooks.

Sales Tax in Job costing shows as Income

  • Sales Tax was not accounted for in the Job Cost Details Analytic, so if tax was an element in either non-posting elements e.g. Estimate, or posting elements e.g. Revenue, Payments, it would show incorrectly as income.  This has now been addressed, and includes two new dimensions:
    • Sales Tax Item
    • Item Sales Tax Code

Field Typos

  • In certain instances the field named "Document Current Paid/Open Status" was incorrectly named  "Document Paid/Open Status", thereby leaving two names to filter on.  This has been fixed.

  • In certain cases the prefixes for the Document and Date Attributes would be incorrect.  e.g. prefix would show as GLTxn instead of GLPLTxn.  This has been fixed.
  • Ship method was incorrectly named "Shipe" method for several transaction types.  This has also been fixed.

Payroll Liability Adjustments showing for no item

  • In Pro/Premier Only.  In general ledger and payroll analytics, an amount will show, having no tie to a transaction number, date, payroll item.  This has been fixed so that they don't show.


Specific Speed Improvements

  • Customers who used Excel for very large data sets from detail analytics such as Job Costing, Inventory and General Ledger, contacted our engineers via our ticket system, and expressed concern over the length of time it was taking to refresh their data from QQube. After discussion and an examination of our code, we identified several potential bottlenecks, and have addressed them in this version.  In most cases it will be a matter of seconds, but in others it could be up to 30 seconds.  Every bit helps.

  • Because of the nature of this emergency release to cover QuickBooks 2022, we released it now, rather than having to wait for Version 10.

Updated Database Components

  • Latest Version of SQL Anywhere passing our tests:

New Item

New Code Signing Certificate

  • To ensure the integrity of our components, we use digitally signed certificates, which are issued by top level Certificate Authorities and required to be renewed every three years.  Unfortunately the rules do not allow us to "renew an existing certificate"; the certificate must be re-issued by the Certificate Authority.  These certificates are similar to SLL certifcates that are used in https://websites and shopping carts to ensure secure transactions

  • Because of this, you will need to re-authorize each QuickBooks file in the QQube database using the "Change Path Option".  Using this option will re-authorize QQube to connect to QuickBooks and add the new certificate.  However, you won't have to reload from scratch, because of this option.  This is an unfortunate inconvenience - but one necessary to ensure the integrity of both our application - and the interaction with your QuickBooks data.

TO UPDATE: QQube Updates and Upgrades

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