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Review of QQube on Practical QuickBooks Blog | CLEARIFY

Glowing review of QQube Beta on Practical QuickBooks Blog

Glowing review of QQube Beta on Practical QuickBooks Blog

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January 07, 2011

Charlie Russell is owner of ccr Software and maintains a 'Practical QuickBooks' blog which is one of the most read in the Intuit community. Charlie is one of the rare individuals who possess a long history of programming experience, while being extremely knowledgeable in the nuts and bolts of accounting (he is an Advanced Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor).

Charlie is a long time colleague and fellow SDK/IPP afficianado - and is well known and respected in the Intuit Developer communities. He was one of the first people we submitted our tool to for feedback, and we were humbled by his glowing review.

Our founder Chuck Vigeant has turned his vision of 'getting data with a rocket science degree' one step further with the beta release of QQube. This is a technology that allows end-users to create analysis and reports in minutes - not hours or days.

Chuck has long realized that the problem in creating custom data mashups lies in the area of learning about complicated tables and relationships, or hours of reverse engineering. QQube technology allows people to drag and drop any QuickBooks data piece directly into Excel, Crystal Reports - or any BI/reporting tool of choice; and they never have to worry about how the data was calculated, aggregated or compiled.

Read Charlie's review here: Part I

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