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Best way to access all data from 1995 in QQube | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    General QQube Usability

Best way to access all data from 1995 in QQube

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  • Hi all,

    We have a QB file which transactions date back to 1995.

    Year after year, we would like to always keep no older than 5-year-old transactions in our QB file, but would also like to be able to access all historical and current transactions through QQube.

    What do long-time users recommend to achieve that ?




  • Answered

    There is a gentleman in the Intuit community name Matt Clark at www.qbornotqb.com who can take a file, and split it into two pieces - old and new.  Then you could load both company files into QQube so you can report on all years if necessary.

    it would require the multi-company add-on option (up to three companies), but would do what you desire. (You may be saying, "well it is the same company, so why is the add-on necessary?"  It is because there are separate QB physical files)

  • Great. Thanks.

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