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Added Data Not Visible | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    Microsoft Power Pivot

Added Data Not Visible

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  • Hi, I’m new to QQube and I’m using QB Enterprise 2018 and Excel PP.

    We use one of the custom fields in QB “Customer Custom Field 01” to identify different regions we need to track.
    We added several new regions last month in the same custom field and they are not visible in the sync from QQube.

    I did a rebuild on QB this morning and resolved all issues and started with a fresh QQube report, but still the new regions are not visible.

    What am I missing?


  • Answered

    The first thing to always do is submit the log, by highlighting the latest one, and hitting the Send to CLEARIFY button so we our engineering staff can look at it, e.g. version, QB files, previous log problems, etc. etc.  This is always the first starting point.

    I would also ask you to use the Excel Add-In to create a simple report on Custom Fields.  You can see how in the picture at the bottom of this page: https://clearify.com/wiki/view/201/custom-fields  And then see if they are visible.

    Not sure of your reporting layout, but note that there are two avenues for custom field values.  One is the default for the Customer Information in the Customer DIMENSION (https://clearify.com/wiki/view/3371/customer) and the second is if is stored in a transaction on each line: https://clearify.com/wiki/view/3424/line-attributes 

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