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Include Estimates & Sales Orders detail in G/L Detail | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    Suggestions and New Ideas

Include Estimates & Sales Orders detail in the G/L Detail subject?

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  • Include Estimates & Sales Orders detail in the G/L Detail subject?

     I guess my reasoning is the following: currently in the GL detail, budget, forecast, & pending invoice detail is included. It would help us create more detailed budgeting/forecasting if we could use sales orders/estimates info along with actuals and/or instead of budget/forecast info. It often is more effective for us to budget sales on a per item basis using estimates or sales orders in QuickBooks. This would eliminate the need to create item qty * price calculations in a spreadsheet, then key these amounts into QuickBooks budgets or forecasts. it is simple to edit or enter sales orders in QuickBooks.
    We are using PowerPivot, so I could try to hook the G/L detail subject up with job costing & sales as needed. However, having all this in the G/L detail would be great.
    thanks! I hope this makes sense

  • Answered

    We have decided not to pursue this element for the following reasons:

    (1) Job Costing uses estimate vs actual, via using items, and also includes the referring accounts so you can get both item and account detail.

    (2) G/L Detail is the largest subject and is intended for financial analysis.  Non-Posting transactions are historically not ever part of the General Ledger detail - and we will keep this thinking intact.  We also include the bugdet AND forecast information - something that QB doesn't do in the same report; we include this because they are most commonly inferred within the financial realm.

    Yes, there are ocassions where power users find additional workarounds in QB to get what they want, however our strategy is to provide 'complete' data sets for the intended use of a subject - and not over extend it for the much larger population who would not normally use these items.  

    A power user can link subjects where necessary. Granted we advise against doing this, because it usually means that the user is trying to do something that QB doesn't do underneath the hood e.g. link PO and Sales items, or is out of realm of the intended use of the subject.  But it can still be done - and we will live with that for now.

    Most companies would not answer this, so as not to provoke additional debate, but we want to be honest - especially with a great customer like you.

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