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Period definition in QQube - how to determine month | CLEARIFY

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Period definition - how to determine month

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  • I'm working on an income statement by class in Access, querying the vf_FINANCIALPLCLASS table which has transactions summarized in fields labeled Period 01..Period 36 Actual / Actual YTD / Budget / Budget YTD.

    How can I determine by query what month is actually being summarized by each "Period" field? Thanks in advance for your help!

  • The periods are determined by the summary date range you choose in the Configuration Tool (Version 10.x): Date Setup - Data Model Date Ranges | CLEARIFY 

    As an aside, be sure to use the pre-defined example(s) in the Configuration Tool so you don't have to start from scratch (Ver 10.x): Getting Started with Microsoft Access and QQube | CLEARIFY 

  • So there is no way to query the database to determine what date is actually being summarized in the various "Period" fields?
    I am clear on how to set the dates in the configuration tool. My issue is that I'm not clear on what dates are actually being summarized, since it does not appear to be consistant across multiple companies. My financial setup: 07-July is the first month of the fiscal year and the years to summarize is set to 2012-2014.

    So, would Period 01 contain JULY 2011? or would it be JULY 2012? And does changing the "Years to Summarize" require clearing the database? Each company has a June fiscal year end. What if my companies had differing fiscal years? Then what would be contained in Period 01?

    I do not see this described in any of the QQUBE documentation I have seen.

  • Answered

    If you have multiple companies with different fisal year dates, then QQube will not handle that - for ONLY Financial Summary Subjects. For General Ledger Detail, the data is not aggregated and therefore raw, so fiscal year would just be a matter of programming.

    At the moment we do not have a mechanism for assigning different fiscal years to individual companies (Again for Financial Summary Only).  That will be implemented in Version 8 due this winter.

    We have several mechanisms for Financial Data:  Summary and Detail.  For Summary PandL and Summary PandL by Class, we pull summary data over from QuickBooks as it is more efficient.  It overwrites the current QQube contents (summary only) with a brand new set of data, and is not dependent upon the General Ledger Detail. This is controlled by the dates in the configuration tool (10.x):  Date Setup - Data Model Date Ranges | CLEARIFY   This does not write over the complete data set - just the summary data set.

    For General Ledger Detail, all of the detailed information is pulled over incrementally, so the data update can be a little longer - especially if there are multiple companies to pull data from.  We have kept the summary as separate from - and not dependent on - the Detail for a better customer experience.

    With regard to Fiscal Year Naming, let's use this example:

    If your fiscal year begins on say July, then July 1, 2011 is the first period in Fiscal Year 2012.  May 31, 2012 is the last period in Fiscal Year 2012.

  • Thanks, that is good to know.

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