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Data not Refreshing in Pivot Table | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    Excel and the Excel Add-In

Clear all data

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  • Im having trouble getting my company data refreshed.

    Under data sources I selected "clear all data"
    I rebuilt my QB data file
    Then I Manually refreshed the data file.

    That did not work, so I thought I would start over.  I created  copy of the data file
    I removed the old company data file and connected to the new company data file.

    I took a look a the QQube.db file at this point and it was 2,105,476 gigs- How come so large?
    This new data file only has about 10 customers and 10 transactions?

    What is supposed to happen to this file when invoke clear all data.  What size should the database be?

    If I remove a company and then add a new company, what happens to my saved spreadsheets in the
    original company, if I refresh them, do they refresh with the new companies information or simply bomb out?

    As a QB consultant, I want to be able to do some testing with different scenarios in different industries
    before I tell a client that I or they can create the report with QQube.

    Since I am a newbie and I dont have any , isnt there a way for me to just delete the database and start over?

  • Answered

    I was able to figure out why the data is not refreshing

    There is a QQube tab in Excel with a REFRESH button.  That needs to be clicked whenever you manually reload the data.

    I am re-watching the videos to see what else I missed!

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