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Percentage of job completion on a given date in QQube | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Excel and the Excel Add-In

Percentage of completion on a given date

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  • I am trying to pull a report that reflects costs/revenue on a given date so that I can calculate percentage of completion on a given job. In Quickbooks I can pull the Job Estimates vs Actual as of a given date (i.e. last day of the month). Is this possible in QQube? I'd like to use QQube to add in an engineering estimated percentage and then calculate costs in excess of billings/billings in excess of cost. Any ideas?



  • Answered
    1. You can filter your pivot table (if using the Excel Add-In) to include certain dates - be sure to include the 1980 dates, because they represent estimate dates (they are not in the same bucket as transaction dates).  
    2. Costs in excess of billings with % complete calculation is one of the examples in the Configuration Tool:  Job_Costing_Over_Under_v5.6.xlsx and there is a Bonding Report with % of Budget Calculations in "Job_Costing_Misc_Reports_v5.6.xlsx"
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