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Job Cost Report: Actual Cost Not Reporting Correct Values for Items | CLEARIFY

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Job Cost Report: Actual Cost Not Reporting Correct Values for Items

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  • In the Job Cost Report the "Actual Cost" column is not displaying the correct value for individual items. I investigated the issue by looking at the "Transaction Detail by Account" in Quickbooks and found that the report appears to be only picking up the debits and not the credits from the Qucikbooks database. How can I get the report to show the actual balance for each individual item? \\


    Edit 6/16/2014: 

    The previous question was answered via live chat. The solution was to filter out a particular account by type.

  • Answered


    If you run these reports in QuickBooks:

    1. Actuals vs Estimates.  Account types are not filtered - and helps for those customers who accrue their expenses in other current asset accounts, or retaining in other current liability accounts.
    2. Profit and Loss by Job.  This report in QB is filtered by PandL accounts.

    QQube works similarly.  There is a field in the Account Folder called 'is a job cost account' meaning that if it is set to 'Yes' it will filter only for PandL; set to 'No' then all accounts.

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