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Individual company options for dates, analytics, fiscal yr | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    Suggestions and New Ideas

Individual company options for dates, analytics, fiscal yr

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  • QQube config tool have options to select different (customize) subject areas & date range refresh for different company files

  • Answered

    QQube Version 10 now allows you to choose whether you want to have all company files on the same starting fiscal year, or use the fiscal year as indicated in the QuickBooks file.

    This, as a result of this post.  Thank you for your suggestion, and helping us to get better.

    Realize of course the Excel Add-In can only have one set of fixed period dates, so this will be more beneficial in other applications like Power Pivot, Power BI, Crystal, etc.


    This does not apply to detail data models, however we now have a combined fiscal and calendar year dimension, where you can use either date sets within a detailed data model.

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