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Power BI Days since last customer for a rep | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Microsoft Power BI

Power BI Days since last customer for a rep

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  • I'm looking for a way to find how many days since a rep had a new job turned in.

    I'm using the Job table, document date table, and vd_JobRep Table. I've tried adding a measure of 

    Measure = LASTDATE('Document Dates'[JobTxn Document Transaction Date].[Date]) to the Job table but it just dispalys the same date. I'm guessing it needs to be grouped by Rep maybe... 


  • I'm using 

    Column = if(Job[JobTimeCreated] = CALCULATE(MAX(Job[JobTimeCreated]),ALLEXCEPT(Job,Job[LinkToSalesRepID])),"True","False") 
    but i get two results for customers who have two estimates. any suggestions? 
  • Answered

    Hey Nick11,

    Without diving too deep into your issue,

      I would think you would want to do a DateAdd measure to count the days from the date showing on your report (or all dates) and the Job created date. And then find the Max for that. It can all be done in one measure.  







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