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Sales Order - Open quantities - Assembly Items | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Microsoft Power BI

Sales Order - Open quantities - Assembly Items

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  • We have just noticed a strange issue on our OPEN SO report where all components of an inventory assembly are showing up as individual items and not as the assembly.  

    You will notice in the image below the SO is for 11 CNX-MINI-ID5-B and this item is on the QB Sales Order along with several other individual items.  When it comes into BI via QQube we are getting all of the components of the ASM along with the actual ASM Item.

    Thoughts anyone?  (this is not using the new data model we are working on in Dataverse but the standard QQube one)

    I used the included report and created a quick matrix to show the issue.  The ASM Item is highlighted in GREEN and all of components in the BOM are in YELLOW

    Any thoughts?


    QB Sales Order

  • Here is the actual BOM from QB 

  • Answered

    Within the Open SO data model - in the Document Attributes Folder - there is a field called "OpenSO Line is BOM Explosion"   Which toggles the inclusion of BOM materials in your report.

    This gives you the option of just viewing the assemblies - or include the parts within those assemblies.

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