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Using PowerQuery with QQube for QuickBooks | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Microsoft Power Pivot

UNpivot at source

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  • It would be useful if I could "unpivot" (using PowerQuery) the data from Qqube at the source, rather than copy/paste the table from the PowerPivot model and link back to the model as another table.  Any ideas on how to accomplish this or where to get started would be much appreciated!



  • Answered

    In general we keep the complexities of having to deal with tables and relationships away from the end user.  So we have the shells available for PowerPivot - so that people don't have to sit there and figure out how to tie them together.  In a data warehouse, there is only one way to put the tables together - and you never tie one subject another, as each one is complete on its own.

    You could use PowerQuery, if you new the structure.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1. Open up the Access Examples in the Configuration Tool as shown here: Getting Started with Microsoft Access and QQube The nomenclature is fairly easy:  FACT tables have "LinkToItemID" and the Dimension table has "LinkForItemID"  It is always an inner join - because of how you construct a data warehouse.
    2. Use the Excel Add-In, and drag in the fields you need.  Then go to the Data Tab, and click on Properties to find the actual SQL Query - so you get the actual query.  You could then use this for PowerQuery.

    I think the best thing we can do is provide a starter shell for you with the connection string to make this easier.  Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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