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Added new Custom Field to Customer | CLEARIFY - Page 1

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Added new Custom Field to Customer

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  • I added a new custom field to client file. In QQube - it is custom field 5.. on normal QQube refresh, I am getting data from another and mixed in with data frm new field..I realize that the custom fields are sorted and I suspect that I am getting data from the 'old custom field 5 and from my new custom field 5.   Do I need to do a complete refresh of data to have the custom field5 be pure with new data only?  




  • Answered

    Yes.  All of the data previous to the change in the custom field are based upon the original order.  It requires a complete reload to get everything in synch.

  • Thanks... I assumed that would be the case.  

  • While a complete rebuild will put the custom filed data together in the same columns after adding a new custom field in QuickBooks Enterprise (desktop) I have found that the data in several of the custom fields are now moved to new columns. This is very annoying. The first time this happened I had to redirect all my report to the new columns which I use a lot of and use constantly. I know that QuickBooks' designs is usually the problem with these types of bugs but it would be nice if this could be fixed. For me, it happens in the higher Custom Column Numbers, Like from 5 above and I use Custom Fields in Jobs mostly. The latest was when we loaded DBSync and the program created "custom fields “OpportunityId” , “SFLINEID” in QuickBooks Customer and Items respectively loaded a Custom Field". That threw off all the columns after the fourth custom field. Our vendor failed to tell us that htis would happen and denyed it until I showed them the DBSync web page.

  • We apologize for the inconvenience and we agree it is annoying, but unfortunately there is no way around the reload - and the realigning.

    Here is why:

    Realize that Intuit does not give us unique id's for the custom fields; they only expose them alphabetically.  So if you change the names to where the alpha is a different order - you get the realignment.

    But it has been that way for 22 years, and Intuit will never change it.

    What we advocate doing (see QuickBooks Custom Fields in QQube | CLEARIFY), is to preface each custom field with '01-', '02-'   This way, no matter what you name them, the alpha will always be the same.

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