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Inventory Cost of specific serial number in QQube | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    General QQube Usability

Inventory Cost of specific serial number

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  • I wanted to verify that Q-Qube would be able to create a report showing the actual cost of a serialized item (not average).

    Item 202 - Serial # 1 cost 12,000

    Item 202 - Serial #2 cost 3,000

    Item 202 - Serial #3 cost 10,000


    So I would be able to run a report showing

    Serial # 1 cost 12,000 but sold for 25,000

    Serial #2 cost 3,000 but sold for 4,500


  • Answered

    You absolutely could do that in QQube and there is an example in the QQube Configuration Tool for Excel, Excel Power Pivot - and Power BI.

    They a variety of calculations, including first purchase date, last purchase date, sales for particular periods (quantity and dollars), on hand. You just need to bring in the lot number field tao the sample to make that work.

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