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Financial Summary with GL Detail | CLEARIFY - Page 1

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Financial Summary with GL Detail

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  • I am looking for a template or instructional video that will allow me to use full historical detail in the GL to generate a full historical picture of the financials (Trial Bal and/or Fin Sum). Someone pointed me to something similar in the past for a PandL.

    This assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Answered

    We have a multitude of options available for Financial Information.

    1. Financial summaries for 3 years (36 periods) and controlled in the Configuration Tool: (See this guide (Ver 10.x): Date Setup - Data Model Date Ranges | CLEARIFY  This will give you profit and loss, balance sheet, trial balance, statement of cash flows - all with the ability to have periods side by side (including by class), something that QB doesn't do for trial balance or statement of cash flows. 
    2. We have general ledger detail which can be used to provide more granular information, including Profit and Loss Detail.  

    The Configuration Tool has many examples that are advanced pre-built reports

    Some suggestions:

    Excel - using regular pivot tables.  Best for the Financial Summary subjects.

    Excel PowerPivot - best for manipulating General Ledger Details: 

    Another great example for Detailed Profit and Loss is found here: https://clearify.com/wiki/view/3352/profit-and-loss-detail  This one has many monthly calculation examples that QQube is currently missing from the out of the box experience, e.g. ytd, last ytd, last month, current date, etc.

    Crystal Reports:  We have some excellent pre-built examples if you have Crystal Reports 

    UPDATED 4/22/2020

  • Would be really helpful if there was a 5 year option
  • Answered

    In QQube 6.x we came out with a Freestyle Profit and Loss option that contains 10 years of data, aggregated to the day for actual, budget, and forecast. https://clearify.com/wiki/view/3704/profit-and-loss-freestyle

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