QQube Add-Ons


QuickBooks reporting does not allow you to mix Expense Accounts with Cost of Goods Sold Accounts. So, you only have two options: change your QuickBooks structure or let AHA! do that for you.

Structure your accounts in the way you want to see it in your report and remove the restrictions that QuickBooks reports – or QuickBooks custom reports – place upon you.



Step #1 – Build or select a new hierarchy

Reporting Model – A list of groupings that are used to subtotal detailed values.

We have a number of reporting models to choose from and we also allow you to build or import your own reporting model. 

Step # 2 – Select your existing list items and map them to where you want to report them in the new reporting ​model

The screen shot shows a chart of accounts that is mapped into different groupings for reporting.  

In order to ‘map’ an account you simply drag the account from the ‘Accounts to be Mapped’ Section over to a row in the reporting model.

You can even select more than one account to move.

AHA Initial Opening Screen To Map Accounts from QQube Data Model

Step # 3 – Select and map your existing list items to where you want to report them in the new reporting ​model

Window of AHA After Accounts Have Been Mapped

The screen shot shows a simple example in Power BI using the QQUBE general ledger detail template with the AHA ACCTS added and mapped to the general ledger detail.

The hierarchy on the left is a simple GAAP financial hierarchy and the hierarchy on the right is the same data using a custom gross margin reporting model.

This same Power BI model also allows you to toggle to Schedule C Rollup subtotals.