Community Guidelines

Community Posting Guidelines

This agreement provides important information about your use of the CLEARIFY Support Community ( where you can use the following methods to communicate with either CLEARIFY support engineers and/or community members:

  • Public Forums
  • Private Ticket
  • Personal Assistant Chat
  • Posting Comments on Blogs when applicable


If you comply with the Agreement, CLEARIFY grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the Site.

In addition to the terms and conditions in the Agreement, all use of the Site is governed by our Terms of Use

In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and Terms of Use, the terms of this Agreement will govern.

Views expressed on the Site by persons who are not employees, whether full or part time, are not endorsed by CLEARIFY

CLEARIFY does not prescreen information submitted by users of the Site (“Submissions”).

CLEARIFY retains the right, but not the responsibility, to edit or remove any Submission, including those deemed by CLEARIFY to violate the Agreement. CLEARIFY will make good faith efforts to investigate allegations that Submissions violate the Agreement but (a) makes no warranty to you that it will edit, remove, or continue to permit the display of any specific Submission, whether subject to such allegations, and (b) will have no liability whatsoever for editing, removing, or continuing to permit the display of any Submission whatsoever.

CLEARIFY may offer you benefits and award privileges for your participation in the Forums, Private Tickets and Personal Assistant Chat. The benefits and privileges provided do not create an employee, agency or independent contractor relationship between you and CLEARIFY, and you may not present yourself as a spokesperson for CLEARIFY.

CLEARIFY may use “cookies” and other technologies to track user activity within the CLEARIFY Support Communities. These technologies help us improve your experience and our products and services. CLEARIFY’s use of this tracking information will conform our Privacy Policy.

CLEARIFY Support Options includes a feature which allows a CLEARIFY Support Community user to receive email notifications when another user submits a post. This feature requires an approval process which you can control under your user profile.

To submit information to any one of the three features of the CLEARIFY Support Community, each user must have a unique username and password combination, known as a CLEARIFY ID. Please review CLEARIFY’s Privacy Policy, which describes how CLEARIFY collects, uses and protects your personal information.

CLEARIFY cannot and will not be responsible for any problems or liability that may arise if you do not provide accurate, truthful and complete information.

If you provide any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations on this site regarding CLEARIFY’s products, technologies or services (“Feedback”), CLEARIFY may use such Feedback and incorporate it in CLEARIFY products, technologies, and services without paying royalties and without any other obligations or restrictions.


Stay on topic. CLEARIFY Support Communities is here to help people use CLEARIFY products and technologies more effectively. Unless otherwise noted, do not add Submissions about non-technical topics, including:

  • Speculations or rumors about unannounced products.
  • Discussions of CLEARIFY policies or procedures or speculation on CLEARIFY decisions.

Be polite. Everyone should feel comfortable reading submissions and participating in discussions. CLEARIFY will not tolerate flames or other inappropriate statements, material, or links. Most often, a “flame” is simply a statement that is taunting and thus arbitrarily inflammatory. However, this also includes those which are libelous, defamatory, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context.

Post constructive comments and questions. Unless otherwise noted, your Submission should either be a technical support question or a technical support answer. Constructive feedback about product features is welcome as well. If your Submission contains the phrase “I’m sorry for the rant, but…” you are likely in violation of this policy.

Do not post polls or petitions or links to same.

Test your answer. When possible, make sure your Submission works on your own computer before you post it.

No advertising. Do not use the Site to sell or market your products to others and do not post a URL unless it directly answers a user’s question. If any portion of your Submission, including any posted URL, results in any accrual of compensation or benefit to you, you must note this in your post by stating, “I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.”

As well, the following are not allowed:

  • A submission created solely to advertise a book, service, software or some other item for sale.
  • Any reference, including a link, to a commercial item that is not directly related to a relevant technical support question or answer.

With regard to Public Forums and use of the Personal Assistant Chat, you may sign your Submissions with information about yourself. However, this should not include a link to a website – unless you are an approved Solution Provider. An example of an acceptable signature: John Doe, Author, “John Doe Communities: Tips and Tricks”

No inappropriate usernames (“Aliases”) or impersonations. Inappropriate or offensive usernames or aliases will be removed and persons attempting to impersonate another user will be removed. Usernames may not contain websites, email addresses or other contact information.

Keep within the Law. No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.

Do not post defamatory material.

License to Use Submission

By sending a Submission to the Site you agree to grant CLEARIFY a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to the Submission. If you do not want to grant CLEARIFY the rights set out above, do not send your Submission to the Site.

Never reveal any personal information unless expressly permitted by a CLEARIFY engineer – and only within a private ticket.

Archive and Membership Policy

We do not keep activity and members indefinitely, and use the following policies to determine what content and which users remain active:

  • Only ticket activity from the current year and the previous five years are kept.  All private activity is archived under an anonymous user to allow us to keep stats about ticket system issues.
  • Forum posts and comments on blog posts or announcements are kept indefinitely or until we determine that the information is no longer relevant to our products.
  • If users have not logged in within 5 years, they will be removed from our system, with any content produced being reassigned to an anonymous system user to allow us to keep stats about ticket system issues.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Support Policy related to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email, telephone number or mailing address. 


Telephone Number: 832-778-4435

Mailing Address:
1321 Upland Dr #2135
Houston, Texas 77043