Financial Statements

QQube for QuickBooks Data Warehouse

The QQube Data Warehouse uses several methods to connect to QuickBooks to grab financial statement data transforming the results into fields that you can just drag and drop in the tool of your choice to create any type of custom QuickBooks Financial Statement report.

We include starter examples in the QQube Configuration Tool for Excel, PowerPivot, Power BI, Tableau, Crystal Reports, and Access, and we have several additional examples specifically designed for PowerPivot and Power BI.

Balance Sheet (Standard Period)

  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Traditional Balance Sheet
  • Compare Actual vs Budget
  • Excel Add-In contains Presentation Clean-Up Tool
  • 122 Pre-Calculated Measures including Shortcut Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI

Profit and Loss (Standard Period)

  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Traditional Profit and Loss
  • Compare Actual vs Budget
  • Excel Add-In contains Presentation Clean-Up Tool
  • 404 Pre-Calculated Measures including Shortcut Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • Special Microsoft Access Views to get around 256 column limitations

Statement of Cash Flows (Standard Period)

  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Ability to See Month by Month, Side by Side
  • Net Cash Details
  • 84 Pre-Calculated Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI

Profit and Loss Advanced (Standard Period)

  • QuickBooks Enterprise Only
  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Traditional Profit and Loss
  • Compare Side-by-Side Actual vs Budget vs Forecast
  • Excel Add-In contains Presentation Clean-Up Tool
  • 606 Pre-Calculated Measures including Shortcut Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • Special Microsoft Access Views to get around 256 column limitations

Balance Sheet (Flexible Period)

  • QuickBooks Enterprise Only
  • Aggregated by Day for any number of years
  • Traditional Balance Sheet
  • Compare Actuals vs Budget
  • Specifically Designed for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • 3 Basic Measures: Actual, Budget, Actual Foreign
  • 82 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Profit and Loss (Flexible Period)

  • QuickBooks Enterprise Only
  • Aggregated by Day for any number of years
  • Traditional Profit and Loss with EBITDA
  • Compare Actuals vs Budget including % of Sales
  • Specifically Designed for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • 4 Basic Measures: Actual, Budget, Forecast, Actual Foreign
  • 251 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Combine Multiple Company Files

QQube has Multi-Company Add-Ons to allow you to aggregate or filter your financial reports for any number of QuickBooks files.

Learn more about consolidating multiple QuickBooks Financial Statements

Rearrange Your Chart of Accounts

One of our QQube Certified Partners has developed a tool (AHA!) that allows you to re-map your accounts in ways that QuickBooks cannot.

Learn more about the ability to rearrange your QuickBooks Accounts

Compare to a Connector

An ODBC connector extracts and displays the raw report information available from the Intuit SDK.

QQube formulates complete financial statements and hundreds of column options.

For instance, we have multiple account hierarchy options built in, or view actuals, budget, and forecast side by side in one report.

Additionally, we provide hundreds of additional DAX measures for PowerPivot and Power BI, which an ODBC connector would never provide.

Actuals, Budget, Period Shortcuts, % Sales

Custom QuickBooks Consolidated Profit and Loss Report using Crystal

Combine Summary Financials with Transaction Detail

Custom QuickBooks Profit and Loss with Quantity Report using Crystal

Comparisons, Working Capital, Current Ratio

QuickBooks Balance Sheet Overview Visualization using Power BI

Actual and Budget Comparisons

QuickBooks Balance Sheet (Flexible Period) Report using PowerPivot

Compare Cross Year Period Measures

QuickBooks Balance Sheet Patterns (Flexible Period) Report using PowerPivot
QuickBooks Balance Sheet Patterns using QQube with PowerPivot

36 Monthly Period Actual and Budget Comparisons

QuickBooks Profit and Loss Standard Report using Excel

36 Monthly Period Actual, Budget and Forecast Comparisons

Custom QuickBooks Advanced Profit and Loss Report using Excel

Combine Standard Rows and Columns with Visualizations

QuickBooks Profit and Loss Overview Visualization using Power BI

Quarter, Month, Week in rows within Year

QuickBooks Profit and Loss Visualization using Power BI

EBITDA Accounts Automatically Retrieved

Custom QuickBooks Profit and Loss with EBITDA Report using PowerPivot

Profit and Loss with Flexible Period Reporting

QuickBooks Trailing Twelve Months Report using PowerPivot

Compare Pattern Period Measures

QuickBooks Profit and Loss Patterns Report using PowerPivot

Compare Cross Year Period Measures

QuickBooks Profit and Loss Cross Patterns (Flexible Period) Report using PowerPivot

36 Monthly Periods Side-by-Side

Custom QuickBooks Statement of Cash Flows Report using Excel

Visualization Example

QuickBooks Statement of Cash Flows Visualization using Power BI

Readable Financial Statements on any Mobile Device

QuickBooks Financial Statements on Mobile using Power BI