General Ledger & Accountant

QQube for QuickBooks Data Warehouse

The QQube Data Warehouse connects to QuickBooks to extract relevant general ledger and fixed asset information into multiple data models for generating a variety of custom general ledger and accountant reports:

  • Trial Balance – Assembles information from Estimates, Actuals, Payables, Receivables, Payroll, Committed Costs and more.
  • Trial Balance Activity – A stand-alone data model for convenience, but also included in Job Cost Details.
  • Trial Balance Activity by Class – A stand-alone data model for convenience, but also included in Job Cost Details.
  • General Ledger Detail – Convenient way to compare budget and actuals for profit and loss accounts in job cost reports.
  • Profit and Loss Detail – Compare budget and actuals for profit and loss job accounts with classes by column or rows.
  • Cash Position – Compare budget and actuals for profit and loss job accounts with classes by column or rows.
  • Fixed Assets – Compare budget and actuals for profit and loss job accounts with classes by column or rows.

Many of the report examples we include are not even available in QuickBooks such as Trial Balance Activity by Class side by side for 36 months or the ability to have Invoices and Payments in your General Ledger, one underneath one another.

Each data model has hundreds of fields that you can drag and drop in the tool of your choice to create any type of custom accountant or general ledger report. We include starter examples in the QQube Configuration Tool for Excel, PowerPivot, Power BI, Tableau, Crystal Reports, and Access.

Trial Balance

  • Combines multiple report elements for
    • All Dates Option to Check Integrity of QuickBooks File
    • Current Option to check daily balances
  • Over 75 Available Fields
  • 2 Measures: Debit, Credit

Trial Balance Activity

  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Compare Period Activity month by month, side by side
  • Compare Budget to Actual Activity
  • 348 Pre-Calculated Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • Microsoft Access Views to get around 256 column limitations

Trial Balance Activity by Class

  • Aggregated by Month for 36 Periods
  • Compare Period Activity month by month, side by side
  • Filter by Class or Class Side by Side
  • 174 Pre-Calculated Measures
  • DAX measures for Power/Pivot and Power BI
  • Microsoft Access Views to get around 256 column limitations

General Ledger Detail

  • Traditional General Ledger Detail
  • Filter by Summary vs Detail as in QuickBooks
  • Linked Transactions – one below the other
  • Days from Payment to Deposit
  • Compare Actual vs Budget
  • Over 1,500 Available Fields
  • 16 Pre-Calculated Measures including 7 not available in QuickBooks
  • 214 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI
  • No Date Range Limitations
  • Multi-Currency

Profit and Loss Detail

  • Traditional Profit and Loss Detail
  • Filter by Summary vs Detail as in QuickBooks
  • Compare Actual vs Budget
  • Advanced Line Descriptions not available in QuickBooks
  • Over 1,500 Available Fields
  • 16 Pre-Calculated Measures including 7 not available in QuickBooks
  • 214 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI
  • No Date Range Limitations

Cash Position

  • On Hand Cash + A/R + A/P
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Expectations
  • Over 1,250 Available Fields
  • 15 Pre-Calculated Measures including 6 not available in QuickBooks
  • DAX measures for PowerPivot and Power BI

Fixed Assets

  • Fixed Asset Details
  • Tax Reporting
  • Purchase or Sales Date
  • Over 95 Available Fields
  • 7 Base Measures
  • 29 DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Compare to a Connector

An ODBC connector extracts and displays the raw text information available from the Intuit SDK.

QQube adds additional logic, extended details, calculated fields, and enhanced analysis capabilities into comprehensive models.

For instance, 36 months Trial Balance of Activity side by side, or enhanced general ledger line descriptions, or having vendor and bills in the general ledger one beneath another.

These are all things that QuickBooks or Enterprise Advanced Reporting doesn’t have.

Standard Layout

Custom QuickBooks Trial Balance Report using Excel

Current Trial Balance with Account Type Visualization

Custom QuickBooks Trial Balance Activity Visualization using Power BI

Up to 36 Periods Side by Side

Custom QuickBooks Trial Balance Actvity Report using Excel

Hierarchal or Standard Account Structure, Actual and Budget

Custom QuickBooks Trial Balance Actvity Report using PowerPivot

Up to 36 Periods Side by Side, Classes can be Rows or Columns

Custom QuickBooks Trial Balance Actvity by Class Report using Excel

Current and Historical

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Detail Visualization using Power BI

Control Accounts, Balance Sheet Account Types

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Monthly Activity Visualization using Power BI

Account Details

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Yearly Activity Visualization using Power BI

Individual Account Activity Visualization

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Account Analysis Visualization using Power BI

Side by Side Years, Quarters, Months, Weeks

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Period Activity by Account Visual using PowerPivot

Deposit Details

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Deposit Activity Report using PowerPivot

Receivable or Payable Linked Transactions, Original and Linked Transactions Grouped Together

Custom QuickBooks General Ledger Linked Transactions Report using PowerPivot

Over 139 Specific Period and Pattern DAX Measures

Custom QuickBooks Profit and Loss Detail Report using PowerPivot

Out-of-the Box Functionality

Custom QuickBooks Profit and Loss Detail Trailing Twelve Months using PowerPivot

Open A/R, Open A/P and Cash on Hand

Custom QuickBooks Current Cash Position Visualization using Power BI

Purchase and Depreciation, Easy Grouping for Tax Reporting

Custom QuickBooks Fixed Asset Listing using Excel

Visualization of Fixed Asset Account Activity

Custom QuickBooks Fixed Asset Overview Visualization using Power BI