Job Cost with Time & Mileage

QQube for QuickBooks Data Warehouse

The QQube Data Warehouse connects to QuickBooks to extract relevant job data transforming it into multiple data models for custom reporting on job costs, time & mileage:

  • Job Cost Detail – Assembles information from Estimates, Actuals, Payables, Receivables, Payroll, Committed Costs and more.
  • Time Tracking – A stand-alone data model for convenience, but also included in Job Cost Details.
  • Vehicle Mileage – A stand-alone data model for convenience, but also included in Job Cost Details.
  • Profit and Loss by Job – Convenient way to compare budget and actuals for profit and loss accounts in job cost reports.
  • Profit and Loss by Job by Class – Compare budget and actuals for profit and loss job accounts with classes by column or rows.

Each data model has hundreds of fields that you can just drag and drop in the tool of your choice to create any type of custom report to create AIA or other traditional job cost reports such as under/over reporting, bonding reports, committed budget vs actual comparison reports. We include starter examples in the QQube Configuration Tool for Excel, PowerPivot, Power BI, Tableau, Crystal Reports, and Access.

Job Cost Details

  • Combines multiple report elements for
    • Estimated Income
    • Estimated Costs
    • Actual Costs
    • Remaining Committed (PO)
    • Payroll Hours, Items
    • Revenue
    • Revenue Received
    • Transaction Discounts/Payments/Credits
    • Applied Discounts/Payments/Credits 
    • Costs yet to be paid
  • Over 1,750 Available Fields
  • 80 Total Measures including 70 not available in QuickBooks reports
  • 498 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI
  • All Transaction Details
  • Time Tracking and Vehicle Mileage Included

Time Tracking

  • Side by side Billed, Unbilled, Actual
  • Filter by Job and Job Attributes
  • Automatic multiplier measures
  • Over 300 Available Fields
  • 15 Total Measures including 12 not available in QuickBooks reports
  • 186 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Vehicle Mileage

  • Side by side Billed, Unbilled, Actual
  • Filter by Job and Job Attributes
  • Calculated IRS Mileage values
  • Over 250 Available Fields
  • 15 Total Measures including 8 not available in QuickBooks reports
  • 153 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Profit and Loss by Job

  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly or Full Job buckets
  • Filter by Job and Job Attributes
  • Specifically Designed for PowerPivot and Power BI
  • Aggregated by Day for Any Number of Years
  • Over 250 Available Fields
  • 3 Base Measures
  • 219 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Profit and Loss by Job by Class

  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly or Full Job buckets
  • Filter by Class, Job and Job Attributes
  • Specifically Designed for PowerPivot and Power BI
  • Aggregated by Day for Any Number of Years
  • Over 250 Available Fields
  • 3 Base Measures
  • 219 Additional DAX Measures for Power Pivot and Power BI

Compare to a Connector

An ODBC connector extracts and displays the raw text information available from the Intuit SDK, as individual table-like structures. This leaves you with the unenviable task of trying to figure how everything is put together.

We did all of the hard work by combining information from multiple areas of QuickBooks into one comprehensive model with drag and drop fields.

Drag and Drop Values Representing 6 Different QuickBooks Reports

Custom QuickBooks Job Cost All Inclusive Reports using Excel

View all Job Stats in one Place

Custom QuickBooks Job Cost Overview Visualization using Power BI

Typical Over/Under, Bonding Reports for Banks with Drill Down Detail

Custom QuickBooks Job Cost Bonding Reports using Excel

Single View of Pertinent Job Information

Custom QuickBooks Individual Job Cost Overview Visualization using Power BI

Crystal Reports Still the Only Tool with Total Layout Control

Custom QuickBooks Pinpoint Layout Job Cost Reports using Crystal Reports

Actuals, Budget, % Sales, Period Shortcuts

Custom QuickBooks Profit and Loss by Job Report using PowerPivot

Hour Status and Valuation, Billed as % of Billable

Custom QuickBooks Time Tracking Analyzer using Power BI

Hours by Employee or Vendor, By Job, By Day

Custom QuickBooks Time Tracking Employee Job Hours using Tableau

Mileage by Vehicle, IRS Mileage Value, Billable vs Total Miles

Custom QuickBooks Vehicle Mileage Visualization using Power BI