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Limiting the results of QuickBooks data in Excel | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Excel and the Excel Add-In

Limiting Results Returned to Excel

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  • In preparing an Excel Table extract for the QQube, I'm getting file sizes that are too large because I have several companies and two years of actuals included in the database.

    Is there a way to filter the results from the query (i.e. selecting a subset of companies or date range)? I know I can change the date setup in the QQube database but I don't mind the data being there, I just don't need it for every output spreadsheet. Similarly, if I'm reporting on one company, I don't need all companies' data pulled.

    Can I edit the SQL in the data/connections/properties/definition tab to add additional WHERE clauses without interfering with the functioning of the add-in?

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

  • Answered

    Yes, this article will show you how to do this:  https://clearify.com/wiki/view/254/filtering-with-msquery

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