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How to use a QuickBooks BOM report in QQube | CLEARIFY - Page 1

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BOM report

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  • long time crystal report and sage intelligence report writer, brand new to QB + Qqube.  I need to write a BOM report that shows sales of Items, both Inventory Part and Assembled Parts.  For the Assy items, I need to show BOM components and qty required.  Seems I can get the sales of items from the Inventory subject and the BOM detail in the Bill of Materials subject, so my question is, how do I join 2 subjects for 1 pivot table.  In sage intelligence, I am fluent with PSQL where I can build and join "containers" as necessary for each report request.  Is there a way to get under the hood to join multiple subjects?

  • Answered

    BOM explosion is already built in to QQube. No need to tie any tables together, etc.

    See this guide for more information: https://clearify.com/wiki/view/274/bill-of-materials-bom

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