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Install user on Remote Desktop Server (only user portion) | CLEARIFY

Posted in: QQube    Excel and the Excel Add-In

Install user on Remote Desktop Server (only user portion)

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  • Hi Everyone, 

    Back in 2019 I figured this out but its been a while... I have an old install file that I created back then I named: qqubeinstallwoVSTO (did I make this or download it?)

    The QQUBE server is separately hosted on its own server.  

    What I find if I just try to install, the default option is server and the other options are grayed out.  If I try to install the file I made back in 19, it correctly picks the user install option.  

    Is there an updated document I can follow to install just the user portion on a server running RDS? 


  • Answered

    The installer has many changes and improvements from 4 years ago.

    It now defaults to the allowed options to prevent users from making mistakes during the installation because they either did not know the implementation guides existed, or purposely neglected to read them.  Nobody likes to read.

    Problem is, Intuit doesn't give developers direct access to the database, so we have honed a set of steps to ensure that (a) there are no surprises, and (b) things work the way they are supposed to.  

    The changes we made effectively saved us a ton of resources since we no longer had to deal with problems due to improper installation or a faulty installer.  It allowed us to put more resources into the actual data models.  Help desk should be a last resort - not a primary arbiter of issues.

    Here are some of the major changes:

    • If a client copy of QuickBooks is not installed, it defaults to the multi-user client only, as that is the only option that can be available in that scenario.  QuickBooks client must be installed under the designated synch user in order to talk to QuickBooks.  No QB - no communications and synching.
    • If a server is detected, then it will default to multi-user, as our license agreement only allows a single-user to be installed on a local workstation or laptop.
    • We have an installation switch to get around cases where somebody is installing the client on a local workstation to connect to a local server, and the machine is on a different subnet.  This allows the user to manually fill in the information to avoid the kludgy methods we had lived with previously.
    • With regard to the Excel Add-In there are several possible issues:
      • Excel is not available (installed) during the install (for that user), and customers may neglect to uncheck the Excel Add-In during installation.  That can cause a failed install.  Remedy is to just uncheck it.
      • They may have a group policy on the network preventing the add-in from being auto installed.  This is in the hands of IT.
    • Whether checked or not, the Excel Add-In files (including the .vsto) gets copied to the hard drive, and the .vsto can be manually run to install the Excel Add-In.
    • There are warnings if Framework .NET 4.8 is not installed - and forces that installation, and a reboot at a time that is convenient to the person installing it.
    • And others, that are more technical in nature.  

    The file you mentioned was probably something we had in the early days of that particular installer - before we had implemented better methods which are available now.  Just the name invokes ghosts of a separate installer to get around Excel Ad-In installer issues mentioned above.

    If you have a particular problem I would submit a private ticket so that an engineer can assist you with any specific installation issues.

  • FWIW, I actually read your install guides :D They were incredibly helpful.. Here I am 5+ years later, rebuilding stuff after that V10 upgrade .. old dog learning new tricks.  I will open a private ticket.  Have a nice weekend everyone 

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