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Total Vendor Payments for 1099 Reporting | CLEARIFY - Page 1

Posted in: QQube    Microsoft Power Pivot

Total Vendor Payments for 2013 for 1099 Reporting

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  • Hello.  I would like to use QQube to pull the amounts we paid to each of our vendors during a specific date range (in this case all of 2013).  We need to use this report to create 1099-MISC statements for our vendors.  Can someone help with the proper setup for a PowerPivot table?  Thank you in advance!


  • Answered

    We have attached an example for you, using the General Ledger Detail subject.

  • I tried to download this attachment, but when I hit refesh in my Excel it didn't work.  Is there an update for this report?

    Essentially, I'm trying to run an audit report for 1099's (to see missing Tax ID numbers, missing 1099 check box, etc). I know this is a report inside QB, but I can't manipulate that report easily enough.  Essentially I'm trying to create data for an export to an e-filing website.  None of the QB reports will work in their format.

    I would need:

    • Vendor Name
    • Vendor Address
    • Account number (optional)
    • Tax ID
    • Amount applicable to 1099
  • Since that was posted in 2013, it certainly wouldn't work on our newer versions - on anything past 6.x when we made our one time structural changes.

    If you have a current version of QQube, you would just open up a copy of the G/L subject in the QQube Configuration Tool, and then just use the Select Assistant from the Excel Add-In to choose those fields that you need.

    The Vendor information obviously comes from the Vendor folder.  You will need to filter out your vendor list by "Vendor is 1099".  

    then you need to filter by document type = bill payment check, and check.  That should get you what you need.

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