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Multiple separate filters in same QQube report | CLEARIFY - Page 1

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multiple separate filters in same report?

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  • Hi, I am trying to work within sales details and am trying to filter a transaction date for invoices and credit memos, which will give me a month to date estimate of total sales. Then I would like a separate filter on ship date for open sales order amount. Can I do this within the same pivot table or the same consolidated report?

  • Answered

    To do this, you would have to create calculated columns using PowerPivot.

    When you create a filter in a regular Pivot Table - you are filtering ALL data

    You would use PowerPivot for this as it has the ability to create 'IF' statements using calculated fields, or calculated columns.  You can't create an IF statement in a regular pivot table.

    In PowerPivot, this is called the CALCULATE command which says "I will sum/max/min/avg this column, for specific criteria." 

    In QQube versions 6.x and later, we provide many examples 

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